We entered this small niche of the cigar industry back in 1997 from a completely different place than any of our competitors.
Our background is in graphic design and technology, not cigars. Understanding this, we built relationships with small farm/factories to source our cigars from.
They do what they do best and are experts at...producing high-quality cigars. We do what we do best and are experts at...producing short-run personalized custom cigar bands. Combine the two and you have the finest personalized custom cigars available. This was true back in 1997 and is still true today.
This common-sense division of responsibility and expertise has guided us from the very beginning, resulting in a product that we believe is superior to our competition.
About the cigar bands...it is obvious we place greater importance on them than our competitors.
Because of our background, we place more emphasis on the creation of the cigar band than anyone else in the industry. And it shows. Our process of designing, printing and die-cutting cigar bands is more advanced and our cigar bands are frankly superior to any other in the small-run personalized custom cigar band space. Take a look at our cigar bands. Take a look at theirs. We think you will agree.
Our 25 years of experience in producing personalized custom cigar bands, our ultra-accurate computerized die-cutting that allows us to create new die-cut shapes at will, our graphic design professionals who are highly experienced in cigar band design, our ability to print on gold and silver metallic/dull-foil paper and our investment in high end laser and digital printers makes all the difference.
Mind you, this does not mean we do not pay proper homage to our cigars. We do. Take a look at the next item.
About the cigars...and why we did not try to become experts in the art and science of cigar manufacturing.
From the very beginning, it was understood that we could not be experts in all things personalized cigars and still do everything at the high-level we deemed necessary. So right from the beginning, we let the "Cigar Experts Be Cigar Experts". Best and most important decision we made.
From there...the only informed choice we needed to make was to align ourselves with a farm/factory that can provide us with cigars that meet our expectations regarding quality, value and price-point. And after 25 years in this business, we have learned how to do just that.
Then it is a simple matter of discussing what we would like to see in our various cigar choices and then they go to work to produce a cigar with those characteristics. From that point on, we basically stay out of their way and let them produce cigars. This approach allows us to do what we do best and still offer cigars that are equal to or better than any in our niche dollar-for-dollar.
There is more information about personalized custom cigars and more high-resolution samples of cigar bands on this website than all of our competitors put together...why is that you may ask?
Because we care. And because the more you know about personalized custom cigars the more certain we are of you ordering from us. Other companies want to take you to the ordering process as soon as they can and don't really offer up a lot of information. Why is that?
So go forth and look around our website. A lot of good information for anyone looking for a personalized custom cigar and hundreds of high-resolution examples of cigar bands we have designed and that you can use for your new personalized custom cigar.
Then go to our competitors websites. Look at the quality of their information and look at the quality of the examples of their cigar bands. Also take a good look at their cigar band designs. Some look a bit dated, don't they?
Okay. I have been asked to start a blog. Not really a blog, but a series of articles. But then again, isn't that sorta kinda a blog? In any case...what I have to say will be both naughty and nice. All of the articles will be informative, however other companies in this space (small-run personalized custom cigars) will not like what I have to say in a few of them. They may not like it, but it's true.
Blog/Article Main Page
Blog/Article #1: Trouble is brewing in a small corner of the cigar industry
We have been producing personalized custom cigars for a 1/4 of a century. Long-time. Constant innovation. The quality of our work shows it.
We didn't actually count them. But based on some simple math and accounting for a sizable amount of reorders 7,000 is pretty accurate.
We have for your enjoyment...
5 Standard Premium blends
4 Super Premium blends and
1 Elite-Ultra Premium blend
Fletcher Cigar Company